As Tejal's first year birthday drew near both me and vidya faced constant questions ."What is the plans?"How will be the celebrations .I started to introspect does a birthday mean only celebration or just an another day in the passing of time in life or a significant day with contentment. Though i have attended many birthday functions of my friends and have had sumptuous lunch.I always wondered "Why do u need to do " .It sometimes appeared as flaunting of status, or to blindly follow a kind of norm set by another person or family or to ensure u are with the times which i don't agree with.
We were constantly bitten by the fact that people would like to heap their choices on us without even thinking twice as to what we aspired to do .Though me and family always believed that we need to teach and follow a precedence of true values and upbringing for our children in this fast age of modernization . Celebration to us was not flaunting of status or a symbol of prestige .I have always believed that a stretch of both palms of your hand can denote two meanings.One it denotes seeking a helping hand . Second it denotes expressing a helping hand . I believe the second is more meaningful.
A birthday celebrated would be more significant with contentment when one wishes to stretch his palms out to help others.
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